Data Protection

Data privacy statement and information as required by Article 13 of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).



As a website operator, we also process personal data. In the following data privacy statement, we would like to give you an overview of this data processing as well as your rights and other important information that must be provided as per the General Data Protection Regulation.

You can view, save and print the following data privacy statement at any time during your visit to our website.


The controller responsible for data processing in the sense of the General Data Protection Regulation is:

D&W The Motion Corporation GmbH & Co. KG
Managing Director: Heinz Völker

Dückerweg 21
44867 Bochum
Tel.: +49 23 27 / 327 300

Which data do we process during your visit to our website and why do we process them?

It is usually possible to visit our website without entering any personal data directly. You are not required to log in with your name or other details when visiting the site. However, there are also situations in which the processing of personal data will take place. These are described below. In the description, the legal bases from the GDPR according to which data may be processed in each case are given in parentheses.

It is only possible to access the internal area of our website after logging in. Should you have authorisation to access this area, you will find further information in the internal area about the data processing which takes place there. Should you not have authorisation to access this area and enter personal data on the login screen, these data will be processed. Under these circumstances, we process your data in order to check your access authorisation and to protect our infrastructure against attacks.

Should you enter your data into our contact form (typically your contact data and any requests you have of us), we will process these data exclusively for the purpose of processing your inquiry. The data are required for this purpose.

We may lawfully process your data where your contact data are required for the fulfilment of a contract with you or where we are attempting to conclude a contract with you (Article 6 (1) lit. b of the GDPR). Where the relationship does not extend beyond mere contact, we may lawfully process your data to safeguard our legitimate interests (Article 6 (1) lit. f of the GDPR). Since answering your inquiry would be an interest of ours and given you made this inquiry of your own volition, we can assume that you have nothing against the processing of your data.

However, there are also data which you automatically convey to us when visiting our website. One example is your IP address. Without your IP address, we are unable to display the website in your browser. Furthermore, you, which is to say, your browser transmits the so-called “referrer” when you access our website via a link. This permits us to see which you link you clicked on. You can prevent this by not viewing our website via a link, i.e., by not clicking on a link but by directly entering the site into your browser. Moreover, you transmit technical data to us via your browser and your computer. These include which browser and which operating system you use, how large your monitor is and so on.

On the one hand, we process these data (the IP address) in order to be able to display the website to you. On the other, we log the websites viewed by you (as part of this process, your IP address is shortened and, as a result, made anonymous) in order to evaluate your visit statistically and to improve our site. For example, we wish to determine which areas on our website are more popular and which less so. We also evaluate the referrer in this way in order to optimise advertising which is linked to our website. Personal data of yours is particularly likely to be included as part of the referrer and, as a result, to be transmitted to us. We have no influence over this whatsoever and do not evaluate these data with reference to the individual in question. The display of our website to you and its optimisation count as our legitimate interest (Article 6 (1) lit. f of the GDPR).

We will not pass on your data to third parties. However, there are some exceptions in this regard:

  • Where you have requested that we pass on your data (Article 6 (1) lit. a of the GDPR and, where applicable, Article 6 (1) lit. b of the GDPR);
  • Where you have requested something of us that requires us to pass on your data (Article 6 (1) lit. a of the GDPR and, where applicable, Article 6 (1) lit. b of the GDPR);
  • It is necessary for us to pass on your data to protect our legitimate interest. In this case, our data protection officer will consider whether you might have something against this. Were you to have nothing against this according to this due consideration, we are entitled to pass on your data in these circumstances too (Article 6 (1) lit. f of the GDPR). An example would be a criminal attack against our server. In these circumstances, we are entitled to pass on temporally relevant excerpts from the log files to the investigative authorities. The only person who would have something against this would be the criminal attacker. And criminals are not protected in their actions.
  • Another exception arises where we are statutorily required to pass on data. (Article 6 (1) lit. c of the GDPR)

In general, all of the processing takes place within the framework conditions set forth within the General Data Protection Regulation and the data protection legislation of the Federal Republic of Germany. Your personal data will not be forwarded to third countries or international organisations and we do not intend to do so.

We kindly ask that you do not convey more information to us than is absolutely necessary for the matter at hand. In this way, you will help us to comply with the principle of data minimisation and the principle of purpose. As a matter of principle, data which are not or which are no longer required for a particular matter will be deleted shortly after.

Please note that we endeavour to secure data transmissions of any kind using SSL encryption. However, this security measure is not flawless, meaning the risk of accidentally disclosing data cannot be completely excluded.

Automatic decision making such as profiling does not take place.

What happens when you do not share data with us?

Where you do not transmit data required for the delivery of the website, that is, your IP address, the website will not be displayed in your browser. Should you not transmit technical information to us, for example, about your browser, the appearance of the website may be poorer and information may be missing. Should you not transmit data to us which we use for statistical evaluation, we will be unable to optimise our web offering. This will not have any direct effect on you.

Should you use the contact form and omit data from it, we may not be able to get in contact with you and, accordingly, may not be able to process your request or may only be able to process it to the extent to which you have provided us with the information required to do so.

Should you subscribe to a newsletter but fail to provide an email address, we will not be able to deliver the newsletter to you.

With respect to the data collected via this website, it is neither statutorily nor contractually prescribed that you share these with us, nor is it necessary for you to share these data with us in order to conclude a contract.


You have the opportunity to subscribe to our free newsletter. We will not be able to deliver the newsletter to you without the data requested of you when you subscribe. We require your email address in order to be able to send the newsletter to you. You expressly consent to the processing of your data and the delivery of the newsletter here (Article 6 (1) lit. a of the GDPR). You may of course withdraw this consent at any time. Should you do so, the data given to us for the newsletter subscription will be deleted and you will not receive any more newsletters from us. To do so, click on the link which is given in every newsletter or contact us via other means.

Should you subscribe to our pay-for newsletter, we will conclude a contract for the purpose of delivering the newsletter to you. This will involve the processing of your email address, other contact data and your billing information (Article 6 (1) lit. b of the GDPR). These data are required for the fulfilment of the contract.

What about Cookies etc.?

Cookies are small text files which are saved on your system and whose contents, for example, are relayed back to us. They can fulfil different purposes. For example, a “shopping basket” can be administered using cookies or you can be recognised as a returning visitor to a website.

There exist other technologies which offer comparable functions. These include IDs in the URL or “browser fingerprinting”.

Owing to technical reasons, we use these technologies for administrative purposes, for example, for our shopping basket and to save settings stipulated by you (e.g. display font size).

We also use these technologies in order to recognise returning visitors to our website and to improve our website. Where visitors regularly return to our website, it may be concluded that our online offering is good. Where visitors only access our website on one occasion and do not return, we will need to take action. These data are not of a personal nature and we are not able to identify you here as a visitor.

You are able to prevent the creation of cookies by adjusting the relevant setting in your browser. You can normally find information on how to do so in your browser’s manual. Should you prevent the creation of cookies, you may be unable to make use of certain functions on our website.

Your rights as a data subject

You have the comprehensive right to information from us at any time about whether your personal data or which of your personal data are processed or disclosed by us or other third parties and for which purposes.

You have the comprehensive right at any time to demand that we correct inaccurate data or delete unlawfully processed data without any undue delay. Furthermore, you may request that the processing of your personal data be restricted where, on the one hand, the continuation of such processing no longer appears to be lawful but, on the other, the immediate deletion of your data does not yet appear necessary (e.g. where the data’s accuracy is contested but still needs to be examined).

Should processing be contingent on your consent, you may withdraw this at any time. This will only apply to future processing, of course.

You also have the right to data portability and the right to lodge a complaint with the following supervisory authority:

The State Data Protection and Freedom of Information Officer
North Rhine-Westphalia
P.O. Box 20 04 44
40102 Düsseldorf
Tel.: +49 211 38424-0
Fax: +49 0211 38424-10


Statutory, economic and technical developments may make it necessary for us to adjust this data privacy statement. We will make the updated version available to you on our website as soon as possible.